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Collection Sale

For several years, has tried to become a resource for collectors to procure information and archive strategies that otherwise were spread across too many locations. From news to video podcasts, we tried to keep collectors informed and engaged in the hobby. Unfortunately, over the years, the time I was able to dedicate to the hobby diminished and personal matters forced me to reconsider what I need to dedicate my time.

Since was hacked and all content was unrecoverable, I decided to turn this website into a catalog of memorabilia that I am selling. Please take a look at what remains and if there is something you are interested in, please reach out. While I don’t have the time to dedicate to this website to add features like a checkout process, I will gradually be updating it with more items and updating listings with information and pictures. If you see an empty listing that you would like more information on that has not been updated, please reach out.

I appreciate all the support over the years and would appreciate continued support. If you know of anyone or any business that needs their websites analyzed, optimized, or rebuilt for performance and SEO, that is where my remaining time has been being allocated with my company, Digital Tech and Analytics Services LLC. I only work on referrals which makes your support even more important.

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